Friday, February 16, 2007

Gary Jules - Mad World (FLCL)

OLink: video information (
Author: Nightowl, gambitt

Let us calm down a bit. This particular AMV is an interesting one. You won't find much action here, nor much excitement, yet it gets into to the very deepest parts of you. Each and every second of this video is an artistic masterpiece combined of several key factors. Firstly, the choice of the music is perfect, the vocal sounds smooth and sincere, a bit sad too. Secondly, the choice of the source material, namely FLCL - a very mad anime indeed, but as artistic and conceptual as this clip. Thirdly, the choice of scenes. Usually Furi Kuri is used in fast-paced videos with heavy music, here however the author made up not a usual AMV 'mix', but a 'flow' of scenes that smoothly changes from one to another.

Thus this video is a compilation of perfect choices. But not only that - there are several very difficult yet delicate special effects, starting from the implementation of the original Gary Jules video, followed by the TV effect you can see on the flying clouds which in fact is a real TV ;] ending with some neat variances of presentation.

And there's something more. You can find a bit of the author's soul in this video. That's probably the most important part which creators shouldn't forget to include in their works, but actually that's often not the case. This one is mad in it's own, peaceful way. Just like the rest of our mad World...

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